
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is primarily acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary alterations to assist with your health. TCM includes and considers the mental and emotional aspects of an individual and also includes methods to bring balance to one’s life. Click on link above to learn more.


The Acupuncture used at Listening Heart Medicines, LLC is done by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) evaluation, diagnosis and treatment protocol. Acupuncture is the insertion of, single use, sterilized needles in specific locations to assist the body in the harmonious circulation of energy. Click on link above to learn more.

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is done on a massage table with the practitioner using their hands in various places on the body, primarily on the head and the sacrum, to assist the body in creating a harmonious and unrestricted circulation of cerebral spinal fluid. Click on link above to learn more.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is very beneficial to support the body in healing with very little to no side effects. Click on link above to learn more.

Tai Yi

Life Energy Flow Tai Yi® is an ancient energy work that assists people to heal on many levels including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Click on link above to learn more.

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage is a process of deep tissue massage, acupressure,
myo-fascial release and neuromuscular therapy to release tension and restrictions in the body. Click on link above to learn more.

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