Tai Yi

Life Energy Flow Tai Yi® is an ancient energy work that assists people to heal on many levels including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Tai Yi treatments are very specific and are for many different kinds of health imbalances. There are treatments to assist with: organ health, relationship issues, family of origin belief systems that interfere with current desires and creativity, mental and emotional traumas and abuse, as well as self punishment and self-sabotage.

Tai Yi is done to assist people to heal thoroughly and completely on all levels. Whatever the issue is, for which a Tai Yi exercise is done, the recipient can see more clearly, what the issues are, and gain an understanding of how to be more self-empowered in regards to the issues.

The benefits of Tai Yi are subtle and sometimes not so subtle, yet very profound. By assisting with removing energetic blockages, Tai Yi helps people to allow the essence of joy to flow more fully in themselves and therefore in all aspects of their lives.

As with all of the healing modalities offered at Listening Heart Medicines, LLC, Life Energy Flow Tai Yi® is done with consideration for an individual’s personal process. A Tai Yi treatment, that is most appropriate for the individual person is selected, based upon what the individual person needs.

To discuss how Tai Yi will be beneficial for your health and well being, please call or send me an e-mail.

Call to Book a Session Today: (719) 684-3909

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