Colorado Springs Acupuncturist

As an acupuncturist in Colorado Springs, I use Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat many different health imbalances. Some of the health difficulties addressed at my acupuncture clinic (Listening Heart Medicines, LLC) are headaches, back and neck pain, trauma, anxiety, insomnia, menopause, emotional imbalances, as well as immune system support.

At Listening Heart Medicines, LLC acupuncture treatments are done with the greatest of care and respect for you as an individual and how you manifest illness and with respect of where you are in your healing process.

Two of the parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine, that are extremely valuable in the healing process, are the considerations for the mental and emotional aspects of healing. There are mental and emotional involvements that can help or hinder, the healing process, depending on the way we use our mind and emotions in regard to our healing. Also in Traditional Chinese Medicine there is a correlation with the emotions and the organs, as well as a correlation between the organs and the time of day and the organs and the seasons. It is beneficial to use Traditional Chinese Medicine during the change of seasons to assist ourselves with the changes our bodies go through when seasons change throughout the year.

Traditional Chinese Medicine includes acupuncture, work with physical tissues of the body, herbs and dietary recommendations that respect the health of the organs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is encompassing of almost all of the different aspects of our human make up such as how we treat ourselves and how we interact with each other and the earth and sky.

How we treat ourselves is about self care. Self care is very important to being healthy and one of the things to consider with self care is balance. If your life is out of balance, it is very likely, you are not taking care of yourself and one of the most important things to do for self care is sleep. There is no substitute for a good nights sleep. Our bodies require sleep to rejuvenate and to be able to create balance in our lives. So check in with yourself and see what areas of your life you are not using honor of yourself to take care of YOU every day. Are you receiving as much as you are giving? If not make adjustments with the understanding that the situations where you give and the situations where you receive, may be, and probably will be, different.

Call to Book a Session Today: (719) 684-3909

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